Upper Castle Park, Belfast, County Antrim BT15 5FG

028 9077 7703



Cavehill Primary School

Working Together Towards Excellence



We are very thankful to have so many people working together on the Cavehill Primary team to ensure that we deliver high-quality education to our children within a caring environment.


Principal                    Mr S Orr


Vice Principal          Mr M Magee



P1                 Mrs K Nicholl

P1                Mrs L Doyle



P2                  Mrs N Wallace

P2                  Mrs L Fisher (Head of Foundation Stage)


P3                  Mrs K Paul/Ms P McMullen

P3                  Miss P Grey (Head of Key Stage 1)/Mrs C Hale


P4                 Mrs C Williamson / Mrs C Hale

P4                 Mrs H McCollam/Mrs N Dawson


P5                Miss M Hylands (Designated Teacher for Child Protection)

P5                Ms V O'Gorman


P6                Mrs J Cummings

P6                Mr R Mawhirk


P7               Mr B Gibney

P7               Mr M Magee (Head of Key Stage 2 and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection)




Learning Support  Co-ordinator:      Mrs L Doyle



Classroom Assistants and Lunchtime Supervisors provide essential support for both pupils and teachers and are extremely valued members of staff.


Classroom Assistants

C Henderson

K Vance

G McCalmont

K Harvey-Clifford

L Ritchie

A Wright

S Melville

C Barbour

C Masson

P Kelly

T Carmichael

S Barber

E Magee

V Hamilton

K Toner

K Patterson

L Cathcart

L Shiels

L Jamison

P Sharma



Lunchtime Supervisors

Senior Supervisory Assistant:            S McKernan

Supervisory Assistants:                     

E Magee

D McKernan

C Barbour

J Purvis

L Todd

A Wright

L Ritchie

G McCalmont

S Melville

K Toner

C Masson

K Patterson

C Henderson

K Vance

L Cathcart

 S Barber 

L Jamison

P Sharma


Thank you to our cleaning staff for helping to ensure that our school remains safe and hygienic.


Cleaning Staff

Building Supervisor: Mr McLarnon


S McKernan                             

H Campbell

E Magee



Our school office staff ensure that we have all that we need to keep everything operating smoothly.



 J Orr

K Wonnacott