Welcome to Cavehill Primary! I hope you will find our website to be helpful and interesting, so happy clicking!
It is our desire that the staff at Cavehill Primary will work in partnership with parents to ensure that our children are provided with every opportunity to achieve their full potential and have a very safe and happy primary school experience.
We have a dedicated, experienced and committed staff who always endeavour to ensure that the needs of our children are placed at the centre of all actions and decisions. We hope that you will find Cavehill to be a caring school which provides a very high-quality learning environment, in which your child will succeed both academically and socially, developing into a responsible and well-mannered citizen.
We would encourage you to contact the school should you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,
Mr S Orr
Latest School Events
- P2F Shared Education morning26Mar2025
9:30 am - 11:30 am
- P7 Shared Education trip to W526Mar2025
- P2W Shared Education morning27Mar2025
9:30 am - 11:30 am
- P5 Shared Education morning28Mar2025
9:30 am - 11:30 am
- P2F Shared Education morning02Apr2025
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Information for Parents
Please click here to view telephone support and advice helplines.
Please click here to view information on ways to look after mental health and wellbeing.
Please click here to view information about Google Classroom
Please click here to view information about Seesaw app.
Please click here to view additional online resources designed to extend and consolidate pupils' learning.
Children can benefit educationally and emotionally, increase their understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills, through contact with pets. Occasionally dogs may be brought into the classroom as part of an educational visit e.g. Dogs Trust, Guide Dogs for the Blind etc. There will be specific arrangements in place to accommodate such visits.
Please note that the EA has a policy in relation to parents bringing dogs into the school grounds. This states that it is important to ensure that the dog is on a lead at all times. The adult must always have control of the dog – children must never be left alone with or in charge of the dog. Any dog foul should be cleaned immediately. Aggressive dogs or those with a history of aggression, must not be brought into school grounds. Parents should keep their dog away from other dogs within the grounds as it is not always possible to gauge how dogs can react towards each other.
School playing fields and playgrounds are private property and should not be used for the purposes of exercising dogs.
We invite you to click on our prospectus to find out more about the school.
Please click here for our Admissions Criteria for 2025-26.
Have a look at our new Nature Nook - an area of previously overgrown garden space that has been transformed by the PTA for all to enjoy!
What an exciting day we had! Thank you to George and his mum for arranging for Tesla to come to Cavehill PS. We had three Tesla cars and a Tesla quad bike for the children to explore, an informative lesson on sustainability and a 'dancing Tesla' display for P2 and P6 classes. The staff were as thrilled as the pupils!